10 Best Substitute for Car Wash Soap

Best Substitute for Car Wash Soap
Car Wash Soap

Car wash soap is a very powerful soap undoubtedly. Why settle for less when you’ve got a powerful option in hand which with just a single scrub, deep stains or smears are completely wiped off your vehicle

There are some unlucky days when it might turn out you no longer have this powerful soap at your disposal, perhaps you just couldn’t afford enough time to walk down any one of the retail outlets in the neighborhood to get yourself one; then it is about time you start considering some other alternatives at your disposal

There are quite a few top-notch alternatives out there depending on preference, a few of which will be highlighted below.

Best Substitute for Car Wash Soap

1. Shampoo


Well do not be surprised about this item making this list, as it is one in particular of top recommendation to the female counterpart since they tend to have one at their disposal inside of the car, an item they can easily reach out and have access to.

Though the shampoo isn’t a popular choice when it comes to removing tough and sticky residue, it doesn’t disappoint at all when it comes to giving the car a decent wash, since it is not harsh compared to the rest of the car’s paint

Should you need to get stains off your car quickly and so fast, shampoo should be your go-to item.

2. Dish Soap

 Dish Soap

The dish soap just as its name insinuates should be an item merely relegated for taking care of dirts off dish. But there are still some other instances where it has proven to be a multipurpose item. One of such instances being when it comes to auto wash which has proven to be more effective as well.

It stands unique when placed in comparison with other Substitutes to be mentioned subsequently; with its biggest strength lying in the fact that it is soft on car paint and hard when it comes to lifting dirt off

Before applying for use, the dish soap should be in its diluted form since it is safe for use at such a stage.

3. Hand Soap

Hand Soap

The hand soap though has gotten its weak side being linked to the fact that it is not as efficient as other substitutes to be mentioned subsequently when it comes to taking dirt off vehicles; but for the fact that it won’t cause any damage to the car paint, it should be a suitable alternative as well.

To get started with its use, regardless of whatever ratio you choose to put in use, potential users are informed to have it at the back of their minds they have to get it dissolved before advancing to putting it into use..

4. Baby Shampoo

Baby Shampoo

Coming next on our list of ideal substitutes for car wash soap substitute is the baby shampoo which shares quite a different profile from the aforementioned shampoo; as the Baby shampoo is extremely soft and has a pH level considered to be neutral by many.

Since this is a product primarily designed to be used to take care of infants, be rest assured of the fact that it is made up of elements components; making it an ideal substitute that is far away from causing or creating harm to the car paint

5. Hair Conditioner

Hair Conditioner

The hair conditioner is placed in the perfect position to also be an awesome substitute to the car wash soap, especially on instances when you find yourself out of options of the other aforementioned products of dish soap, hand soap, and baby shampoo.

Should you happen to find yourself in such a situation at any point in time, then you might want to consider looking towards the direction of the hair conditioner, whose biggest strength lies in the fact that when being put into use on cars, it does give such cars a beautiful shine.

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6. Wheel Cleaners

Wheel Cleaners

There’s no denying the fact that wheel cleaners are designed the same way as your regular car wash soap in terms of their formulation and mixture of ingredients, placing them in a perfect position to serve the same purpose of being effective with washing your car wheel with washing the car itself.

Before opting to put this into consideration for use, you’re advised to pay attention to details if your wheel cleaner is similar in composition to those of the Household Cleaners in terms of its ingredients and formulations

7. Laundry Detergent

Laundry Detergent

Though not all, there are quite a few options of laundry detergent out there that do the job of being an ideal substitute for the car wash soap perfectly well, particularly those with mild and not too strong composition to strip away your paint.

Talking about doing the job perfectly well, the laundry detergent to some extent can also assist with the removal of dirt or grime on your vehicle, with additional benefits being you worrying less about smears or swirls on your car.

8. Shine Armor Fortify

Shine Armor Fortify

Next on our list of the best substitutes for car wash soap is the Shine Armor Fortify which not only assists with taking off grime, dust, and dirt on your vehicle but also adds a sparkle and glorious shine to the vehicle

It is considered best for use since its biggest strength also lies in the fact that it gives a glossy shine way above what few wax products can offer.

9. White Vinegar

White Vinegar

White vinegar in recent times has also proven to be a powerful substitute for car wash soap, especially in its area of concentration of effectively breaking down dirt and grime

Though before opting to put it into use, it is advisable you have your face mask on since it has gotten a strong odor which in most instances should throw you off balance.

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10. Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Next on our list is the option to put a baking soda into use, one which you would be required to have in its paste form for proper use, since all that is required of you is to blend with water, with the ultimate result being you having a powerful scrubbing agent in hand.

You might wonder to what extent is this needed, well baking soda is an idea for removing stubborn stains or bugs from your car’s exterior.


In conclusion, there’s no denying the fact that there are quite some alternatives that are way better and above others, but when it comes to being out into use, emphasis would always be laid on preferences.

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