10 Best Substitutes For Rolling Papers

Substitutes For Rolling Papers

Rolling papers come under the same family as blunts, and wraps which generally serve the purpose of rolling cannabis into smokable form. They appear to be a unique item to be in custody with for smokers since they are quite easy to carry about, thereby offering them the opportunity to enjoy their preferred strains and blends whenever it pleases them.

But in a situation where you can lay hands or get hold of the rolling papers, there are some other ideal substitutes you can always run to sharing similar traits with the rolling papers in terms of their sizes and flavors, most of which are guaranteed to enhance your overall smoking experience.

Talking about those ideal substitutes, below have been highlighted a few of them.

10 Best Substitutes For Rolling Papers

1. Bible Paper

Finding an item such as this on the list might appear a little bit weird to you considering the fact how sacrilegious such an item is. But staying far away from whatever is being taught in church, the bible paper is certainly standing tall on the list of considerable substitutes for rolling papers.

The reason behind this isn’t far-fetched, as it is evident in the fact that they are quite easy to manipulate and roll, and are also excellent at sticking together when being licked up with saliva

To get started, individuals are advised to sticking with making use of blank pages in the Bible, since that sheets that contain inks can turn out to be harmful alternatives at the end of the day.

2. Gum Wrapper

Coming next on our list of excellent substitutes for rolling papers is Gum paper which you can easily have access to as well just by merely tearing off the foil side of a gum wrapper, to pick out what is left which is oftentimes referred to as thin paper perfect for rolling a joint or cigarette.

With the Gum paper already appearing in its popular rectangular shape, potential users are saved from the stress of putting it in shape, before going further to spreading out their weeds on it and enjoying their cannabis.

3. Corn Husks

Corn husks are yet another substitute to rolling papers of which access in most instances is only limited to certain regions with hot weather conditions since it is an item that requires to be dried out under the sun before being made available for use.

Being a popular choice among Jamaicans and Americans, the corn husks are a natural alternative to rolling papers compared to other substitute items and blend perfectly well with tobacco alongside some other choices of herbs

The interesting part is that unlike with rolling papers where you still get to notice traces of peppery taste, smoking with the corn husks is a whole lot better.

4. Rose petals

Rose petals are defined by their characteristics of being a natural and aromatic alternative, making them a perfect fit as well as serving the purpose of being a substitute for rolling papers. However, it has gotten its downside which has to do with requiring constant practice before one can be able to have it rolled to perfection.

For an even better experience, users are advised to place these Rose petals in an oven, with a level of heat of about 250 degrees Fahrenheit to eliminate the presence of moisture before proceeding to roll up and enjoy the lovely rose aroma that accompanies the smoking experience that comes with it.

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5. Fruit Pipes

The fruit pipes are items of top recommendations for individuals in search of an alternative that doesn’t appear in paper form. Since there might be days you might be faced with the no-pers dilemma, then it is about time you spice up your smoking lifestyle by flavoring your weed smoke.

Getting started should be quite easy, since all that is expected of you to do is to get hold of any dense fruit or vegetable, be it apples or pears, before proceeding to craft out an improvised pipe from them that should serve as your alternative to rolling paper.

Still confused on how to go about this, well just come up with a way to poke two holes that meet somewhere inside of your desired fruit; one being horizontal, while the other vertical. Then proceed to fill in your aluminum foil bowl into the vertical hole, and smoke out of the horizontal one.

6. Homemade Gravity Bong

Falling out next on our list of excellent substitutes for rolling papers is the homemade gravity bong which requires a whole lot of technicality since it involves the use of air pressure and gravity to take a puff out of a bowl of burning cannabis into yet another bowl filled with water.

To get started, individuals are advised to go in search of plastic bottles with the characteristics of having a lid and a bowl that fits over the top, before proceeding to pierce through the cap of the bottle, then concluding the process by inserting a a bowl made of aluminum foil.

7. Cigarette Blunt

Undoubtedly the most recommended substitute to rolling papers out of every other substitute possibly mentioned here, is one whose use is as simple and direct as rolling an old-school blunt or emptying a cigarette.

Undeniably, this is one of the top-notch alternative options you can get to lay your hands on out there, with the reasons behind that, not something far-fetched since they both share the same paper and size,

8. Chewing Gum Wrapper

The chewing gum wrapper is an item we all can actually relate to since the gums we chew always come wrapped in paper. The downside of making use of this particular item is the challenge of maneuvering your way through to finding the right kind since it is advisable for individuals to only lay their hands on wrappers with a thin layer of foil fused to one side.

The chewing gum wrapper alternative option is one of the easy-to-find alternatives on this very list since you can easily have them at your disposal just by walking down to any of the local stores down that road or by picking the ones lying around somewhere.

9. Notebook Paper

Notebook paper is an alternative to rolling paper, which is commonly found among teenagers and young adults since it is an item they get in close touch with daily.

As regards it being an ideal substitute to rolling papers, it actually does share similar characteristics with the rolling papers aside from the fact that it appears to be a little thicker than regular rolling papers, and requires a little bit of practice to be able to nail your joints together to perfection.

10. Homemade Pipes

The Homemade pipes are items crafted thinking outside of the box, that involve laying your hands on items like a soda aluminum can or a metal tube, crafting such items to take the form of a bowl to be perforated and packed with weed.

But due to its health complications burning a soda can or tin foil can cause the immune system to emit toxic gasses


In conclusion, there are different common and recommended ways of smoking, be it herbs or something else, with few of those ways involving making use of a bong, pipe, or even a vape pen. Amidst all of these options comes the rolling papers as well.

Just as the popular saying goes “Where there’s a will… There is a way”, there would always be some other substitutes to get hold of should you not be able to lay your hands on the rolling paper; few of which already have been highlighted above, mostly involving the use of regular items in your house.

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