10 Best Substitutes For Espellete Pepper

Substitutes For Espellete Pepper

Having quite a variety of spices stuck up in your kitchen sometimes ain’t an easy task, but still, you’re left with no option other than to go the extra mile to have them at your disposal, since it is very much needed to add some flair to your dishes.

In this regard, this article shall be covering some knowledgeable insight on the espelette pepper, which though might be quite challenging to find for use, has some amazing substitutes that can perfectly replace the purpose it is meant to serve, and even offer something more in addition.

In this article, we will be taking you on a journey on some of these amazing substitutes for Espellete pepper that you probably didn’t know existed, and are much closer to you in any of the local stores in the neighborhood.

Best Substitutes For Espellete Pepper

1 –Red Pepper Flakes

Coming first on our list is the red pepper flakes which are one of the most ideal substitutes for the Espellete pepper originating from crushed red chili peppers, accompanied by a heat range of 15,000 to 30,000 SHU.

It is one of the most versatile ingredients one can ever dream of having in their kitchen since they go a long way in serving different purposes ranging from sprinkling them on pizza down to tossing them into your pasta sauce.

However potential users should also be mindful of its use since it has gotten heat that is more intense than the Espelette pepper.

2 –Cayenne Pepper

Next on the list of suitable substitutes for the Espellete pepper is the cayenne pepper which has been nicknamed the savior of the spice world, with its heat levels ranging from 30,000 to 50,000 SHU, with just a pinch offering you a big spice payoff.

Cayenne pepper isn’t just a suitable substitute for the Espellete pepper, as it still offers something more than the Espelette pepper in terms of its hotness and spiciness, and is mostly recommended for use in soup dishes.

3 –Aleppo Pepper

The Aleppo pepper is the favorite pick among every other substitute for the Espellete pepper among individuals craving for a milder level of spiciness in their dishes, with its heat level leveled to be around 10,000 SHU.

When being put in use, the Aleppo pepper does offer that fruity yet smoky flavor to dishes making such dishes sumptuous and mouthwatering, since it not just only offers hear, but goes a long way in adding taste to dishes as well

The biggest strength of the Aleppo pepper still lies in the fact that it offers a little bit of warmth without actually overwhelming the dish, and can apply to both soups and stews

4 –Ancho Chili Powder

The Ancho chili powder comes next on our list of suitable substitutes to the Espellete pepper, one which is known for its characteristics of being mild in terms of its heat level and being a sweet pepper buddy, with people oftentimes referring to it as a breeze in the spice world.

Bringing to the dish its rich, smoky flavor with a little touch of sweetness, there are hardly any better substitutes out there that have gotten an edge over the Ancho Chili powder, making it one of the most prominent ingredients in various kitchens in different homes.

As regards what it blends perfectly well with, the Ancho Chili powder has proven to be an ever-useful ingredient in the preparation of sauces, rubs, and even chocolate desserts.

Read also, 10 Best Substitutes for Scotch Bonnet Peppers

5 –Smoked Paprika

The smoked paprika is an ideal substitute as well to the Espellete pepper and is a desirable option for individuals craving the heavenly combo of smoky flavor with a hit of sweetness. An ingredient that goes with literally everything ranging from soups to stews.

The smokiness that accompanies it being put into use brings to dishes that extra layer of flavor that does not compete with every other substitute on the list, as it is miles ahead of them all.

6 –Chipotle Chili Powder

For individuals looking for that very ingredient to bring the smoke and spices to their dishes, the chipotle chili powder is their go to option which is also an excellent substitute for the Espellete pepper, with its heat level falling between the range of 2,500 to 8,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).

Blending perfectly well with a long list of diets and dishes one can ever give a thought about, with its biggest strength lying in the rich and smoky flavor it brings to dishes. Undoubtedly, the Chipotle chili pepper is also an ideal substitute for the Espelette pepper.

It goes perfectly well with various options of dishes, particularly sauces, rubs, and marinades.

7 –Gochugaru (Korean Red Pepper Flakes)

Coming next on our list of ideal substitutes to the Espellete pepper is the Gochugaru, which oftentimes is referred to as Korean Red Pepper Flakes. An ideal substitute to Espellete pepper famous for its moderate heat level, common among individuals desiring that flavorful kick in their dishes without doing much with the spiciness.

Famous for its traits and characteristics linked to sweetness, spiciness, and smokiness; indeed the Gochugaru also Known as Korean red pepper flakes goes a long way in adding depth to dishes making it a suitable substitute for Espelette pepper, blending perfectly well, particularly with marinades or sprinkled over eggs for breakfast.

8 –Hungarian Hot Paprika

The Hungarian hot paprika is yet another variety of spices hailing from Hungary just as its name insinuates, popular among its residents and foreigners around its neighbors for its rich, vibrant red color and distinctive flavor accompanied by its smoky and slightly sweet taste.

This particular ingredient comfortably makes its way into the list of ideal substitutes for Espelette pepper, though it is worth noting that it has gotten a milder heat level and a more earthy flavor as compared to the Espellete pepper.

As regards its use, it also blends well with quite a variety of dishes and delicacies ranging from goulash, stews, and soups, down to meats, vegetables, and grains, not forgetting Chicken paprikash, Hungarian sausage, stuffed bell peppers, and roasted vegetables

9 –Malagueta pepper

The Malagueta pepper is a common ingredient found in the kitchens of mostly Brazilians and Africans, with its biggest strength lying in its flavors that are considered pungent, earthy, and slightly sweet, with a moderate to hot heat level

Making an appearance on dishes is for no other reason other than to serve the purpose of colorings and bringing the heat and flavors it is known for, with a little touch of fruity and herbal taste.

It is a common ingredient among dishes such as feijoada (Brazilian bean stew), calulu (Angolan fish stew), arroz de pato (Portuguese duck rice), Moqueca (Brazilian seafood stew), and piri piri chicken (African-inspired grilled chicken)

10 –Jamaican Scotch Bonnet Peppers

The Jamaican scotch bonnet peppers are just that very ingredient you would never find missing in any of the Caribbean cuisines you can ever think of, particularly in Jamaican and Trinidadian dishes and delicacy just as its name insinuates as well.

Known for its Sweet, slightly smoky, and tropical flavors complemented by its ever-green aroma perceived by many to be Fruity and slightly sweet, what better substitute can one desire for the Espellete pepper than that of the Jamaican Scotch Bonnet Peppers?

As regards its use, the Jamaican Scotch Bonnet Peppers in most instances do make an appearance on Jamaican dishes such as jerk chicken, pork, and seafood; likewise Caribbean-style soups, stews, and braises as well.


In conclusion, no foodie would fancy finding themselves in a situation where their first choice of ingredients isn’t just available at their disposal. But the situation is quite different in the culinary world loaded with different types of peppers, should you run out of options with your choice of ingredients, be rest assured there’s a substitute somewhere around capable of serving a similar purpose as your first choice ingredient would have served.

In this regard, there’s no denying the fact that going in search of your first choice of pepper to prep that sumptuous dish you would have normally might be quite difficult on some days, which is why this article is here to guide you on some of the easier substitutes to look at in such a situation as that.

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