10 Best Substitute For Cipollini Onions

Best Substitute For Cipollini Onions
Substitute For Cipollini Onions

Finding the perfect substitute for Cipollini onions might not be quite as difficult as you might have imagined at the end of the day, and this is linked to the fact that perhaps you haven’t been exposed to some of the amazing substitutes for cipollini onions around you.

Cipollini onions generally are known for their sweet flavor and small size, a common ingredient in recipes for roasts and salads. But there are instances where they might be out of your reach; worry not as there are some excellent substitutes for cipollini onions that can always come through for you.

Below have been highlighted 10 of the best substitute for cipollini onions.

Best Substitute For Cipollini Onions

1. White Onions

White Onions

The first substitute for cipollino onions making its way into our list is the white onions known for adding sweetness to recipes without actually overpowering them. One which is recommended for you to have diced so as to get the very best of results for adding it to be part of your recipes.

Characterized by its firmer, crisp texture and subtle sweetness there is nothing much to ask from the cipollini onions that you can get with the white onions when it comes to getting your recipes ready to prepare that sumptuous dish.

2. Yellow Onions

Yellow Onions

Yellow onions happen to be one of the most popular substitutes for cipollini onions out there, but people tend not to look in their direction when shopping for reasons best known to them. Blessed with a mild flavor and crunchy texture, the yellow onions do magic when it comes to bringing their soft sweetness into your cooked recipes.

Though the cipollini onions might be a king in its own world, the Yellow onions can work equally well in recipes the cipollini onions does magic in as well, particularly after sautéing or caramelizing.

3. Green Onions

Green Onions

Green onions, which are oftentimes regarded as scallions, are yet another great substitute for cipollini onions. Sharing similarities with one another as regards their flavor profile as well, the green onions can easily be swapped in for the cipollini onions, particularly in vegetable-based recipes.

Characterized by their milder and less sweet taste, the green onions do offer a fresh and crisp texture that should also add that plant-like flavor to whatever dish it is being used as an ingredient for.

4. Red Onions

Red Onions

Another excellent substitute making its way into our list of excellent substitutes for cipollini onions is the red onion, one which is popular for its sharper and spicier punch as it relates to its flavor profile and goes hand in hand with recipes for salad and garnishes.

An additional advantage of sticking with red onions as your substitute for cipollini onions is that they do add to your dishes a little bit of color with a slightly stronger taste. However, it can also be enjoyed as well when consumed raw.

5. Sweet Onions

 Sweet Onions

Another excellent substitute for cipollini onions is the sweet onions which is oftentimes being referred to as well as Vidalia onions. An option of a substitute blessed with a stronger, more pungent flavor and a tougher texture; which are all important characteristics for cooked and blended recipes.

Just as its name represents, the sweet onions do bring a tender and sweet touch into dishes, especially dishes like pot butternut squash soup.

6. Boiler Onions

Boiler Onions

Boiler onions, which can also be referred to as hull-less onions, are yet another excellent substitute for cipollini onions, which look like a small version of yellow onions with creamy white skin. Just as its name insinuates, when thrown into a boiling water, the boiler onions do reflect its sweet nature with soft tenderness.

To get the very best effect of the boiler onions as a substitute for cipollini onions, it is expected that you boil in liquids like milk, so as for it to reflect its sweet nature and soft tenderness.

Read also, 10 Best Substitute For Salsa

7. Shallot onions

Shallot onions

Shallot onions are blessed with quite a unique and delicious flavor that places them above the other substitute for cipollini onions to some extent, as they can actually be sweet and yet be delicate at the same time, with their texture a little bit firmer as well.

Though they might appear to look small in terms of their appearance, the flavor-powering potential they bring to dishes makes them stand out as a substitute for cipollini onions, especially in soups, stews, and tempura.

8. Garlic


Another shot of an excellent substitute for cipollini onions is, unsurprisingly, garlic. This is a common ingredient found in the kitchen of different households, known for its spicy flavor profile when put into use in its raw form, as well as its spark of sweetness on cooked dishes.

If you can’t find the garlic in its fresh form, there is also the option of sticking with the garlic powder to serve the same purpose. But on days where you’ve got fresh garlic in your custody, you can always have them used in their minced or whole fo,m, particularly in your roasted or sautéed recipes.

9. Onion Powder

Onion Powder

The onion powder is one with a different profile from the rest of the mentioned substitutes for cipollini onions, one which gives you the option of still making your dish flavorful on days when you might have run out of cipollini onions and other vegetables.

Known for their durability, the onion powder does last much longer than your regular onions and fresh vegetables and still goes the extra mile of having a huge presence in your cooked recipes.

10. Pearl Onions

Braised Onions

Pearl onions can easily be swapped in as a substitute for shallots cipollini onions based on the similarities they both share and their versatile nature. They are a great choice of ingredients to use in dishes such as casseroles and soups.

Known for bringing that tasteful feeling to dishes, just as the case is with cipollini onions, the fact that the Pearl onions share the same size and sweet touch with the cipollini onions undoubtedly makes it one of the best picks of a substitute for cipollini onions.


Each and every single one of the aforementioned substitute for cipollini onions has their own uniqueness they add to dishes, especially when it comes to adding their sweet savory taste to recipes, meaning the choice is yours to make at the end of the day based on preference.

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