10 Best Substitute For Duck Fat You Should Try

Best Substitute For Duck Fat
Best Substitute For Duck Fat

Unknown to many out there, Duck fat is the secret weapon of plenty of chefs across the globe, one which is famous for its rich flavor and versatile cooking properties. However, there might be days of disappointment when you might run out of stock of the duck fat, forcing you to go on a hunt for reliable alternatives to rely on.

Well, if you happen to be among those persons left disappointed of not getting to find duck fat at the marketplaces in the neighborhood, there are always some excellent substitutes for duck fat you can always rely on.

This article will expose you to every single one of them as below have been highlighted 10 of the best substitute for duck fat.

10 Best Substitute For Duck Fat

1. Chicken Fat

Chicken Fat

There is this particular saying that goes, “Chicken fat is an unhealthy substance that should be avoided.”, well according to medical practitioners, that is not always the case as chicken fat is quite nutritious and can serve some beneficial purpose to both humans and animals alike.

Chicken fat comfortably makes its way into our list of excellent substitutes for duck fat primarily because it its nutritional content that contains essential fatty acids, accompanied by its concentrated source of calories for weight gain purposes; then secondly because it can be used to make soap, candles, and other products; a versatile option of a substitute for duck fat to stick with.

2. Lard


Lard, as a substitute for duck fat, is a type of fat sourced from pork meat, a type of meat that is highly regarded in the culinary circle. Lard is known generally for their neutral flavor and high smoke point, making it a multipurpose kind of option and a substitute for duck fat to stick with.

As a substitute for duck fat, the biggest strength of the lard lies in its frying abilities, with its ability to create crispy textures in seconds comparable to none. Basically when it comes down to roasting potatoes or as a cooking fat for hearty stews, you should definitely be going for lard

3. Goose Fat

Goose Fat

If duck fat should have a twin or siblings in the food section of the grocery store, such a twin or sibling would be the goose fat. Goose fat is considered an ideal substitute for duck fat because of the similarities they both share in flavor and texture and the fact that they can also be used interchangeably.

When it comes down to application, goose fat is perfect for use in searing meats or creating golden, crispy roast vegetables, with its flavor slightly milder when placed in comparison with that of duck fat.

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4. Beef Tallow

If there is anything the Beef tallow is known for, it is that it brings its robust and meaty flavor to every kitchen. While it might not go hand in hand with being an ideal substitute for duck fat, the fact that it shares the same high smoke point and ability to create crispy textures just like duck fat makes it a reliable substitute to work with.

It should be your best bet of a substitute for duck fat when it comes to heartier dishes, be it beef stews, fried potatoes, or Brussels sprouts; with its biggest strength lying in its strong flavor that does a great job in making sure the dishes are appetizing.

5. Bacon Grease

Bacon Grease

Is there anyone that can resist the allure of bacon? I don’t think so. Bacon grease is generally characterized by its irresistible smoky and salty essence traits that can be swapped in easily as a substitute for duck fat in plenty of recipes.

However, it is highly recommended for use when it comes to the preparation of the breakfast menu, be it frying eggs or adding depth to hash browns. However, its purpose isn’t limited to that only, as it can also be used in bringing a delicious twist to roasted vegetables, or perhaps substituted for some of the fat in baked goods.

6. Olive Oil

Olive Oil

Olive oil is considered a healthier plant-based oil substitute for duck fat. Though in an actual sense, it might not be able to offer the same texture as the duck fat would ordinarily do, it does bring its own fruity, peppery notes to dishes.

It is perceived as a considerable substitute for duck fat when it comes to low-heat cooking and dressings, with additional benefits including the fact that it does bless dishes with its neutral flavor and higher smoke point.

7. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil as a substitute for duck fat holds the bragging rights of being the chameleon of the plant-based oil world, and this is because of its ability to be able to blend to serve any purpose that calls upon it in the kitchen.

Blessed with a high smoke point, the coconut oil is suitable for frying and roasting, giving whatever is being fried or roasted a texture similar to duck fat. It can also be used in baked goods as well.

8. Vegetable Shortening

Vegetable Shortening

Vegetable shortening might not be able to sit on the same table as the aforementioned substitutes for duck fat when it comes to its flavor profile, but its neutral taste and high melting point characteristics would make it sit comfortably on the table of ideal substitutes for duck fat

It is a great choice of substitute for duck fat when it comes to baking and creating tender pastries and flaky pie crusts, as well as on instances when you want other flavors to shine.

9. Macadamia Oil

Macadamia Oil

Just as is the case with the aforementioned substitute for duck fat, the macadamia oil is also known for the slightly nutty flavor and high smoke point it brings to the kitchen, a chef’s dream for all things sautéing and deep frying.

It is also a great option of a substitute for duck fat when it comes to being used as a finishing oil on roasted vegetables or in salad dressings.

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10. Ghee


Ghee, as a substitute for duck fat, oftentimes referred to as clarified butter is one known for its high smoke point, nutty and caramelized flavor; all of which are a very much needed element when it comes to searing meats and roasting vegetables.

The presence of its rich flavor in recipes makes it an ideal substitute for duck fat, especially in baked goods. For the fact also that it is lactose-free, it is a healthier option to stick with as well for those challenged with mild dairy sensitivities.


The choice of working with any of the aforementioned substitutes for duck fat is left in your own hands to take; this article is only meant to expose you to the unique properties of each and every single one of them mentioned above.

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