12 Best Substitute For Figs You Should Try

Best Substitute For Figs
Best Substitute For Figs

Though sometimes they’re hard to get or you just don’t like them, figs are a sweet, chewy fruit that’s full of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Fortunately, there are several substitutes you may use to maintain the natural sweetness and texture in your dishes. 

You may enjoy baking, munching, or preparing a salad without having to miss out! These fig substitutes, which range from raisins and dried apricots to dates and prunes, offer a comparable taste while being extremely nutrient-dense. 

They are excellent as an independent snack or in smoothies and desserts. Furthermore, every one of them has a distinct taste twist, so you may try them all and discover your go-to fig substitute!

Let’s dive in!

Best Substitute For Figs

1. Apricots


What’s a good substitute for figs? Apricots! These golden fruits are not only tasty, but they also make an excellent substitute when figs are unavailable. 

They have a similar sweet and chewy texture, making them ideal for anything from baking to nibbling. Apricots are high in fiber, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants, making them a nutritious choice. 

Apricots are just as versatile as figs when it comes to salads, smoothies, and baked items like cookies and tarts. Furthermore, they can aid digestion and keep your skin shining. 

So, next time you can’t locate figs, opt for apricots instead!

2. Prunes


What do figs taste like? They’re soft, sweet, and somewhat chewy, with small seeds that lend a satisfying crunch. What if you can’t locate figs? 

Prunes are dried plums with a rich, sweet flavor and silky texture that make them an excellent alternative for figs in many cuisines. 

Prunes are high in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins, in addition to being flavorful. They may be used in smoothies, salads, baked products, or as a standalone snack. 

Furthermore, prunes aid digestion and increase energy levels, making them a nutritious and handy addition to any meal.

3. Dates


What fruit is similar to a fig? Dates! In many recipes, these chewy, sweet fruits work well in place of figs. 

Dates have a deep flavour close to caramel and are loaded with natural sugars, which makes them ideal for sweetening smoothies or pastry. 

Dates are incredibly tasty and nutrient-dense. They include antioxidants, fiber, and potassium, all of which can improve digestion and give you more energy. 

You may fill dates with nuts for a fast snack or use them in baking or blending them into energy bars. Dates are a flexible and healthful choice that you’ll appreciate, whether you’re short of figs or just want to rotate things up!

4. Sultanas


Why are figs so expensive? Figs are more expensive and scarce throughout the year since they are a seasonal fruit that can be challenging to cultivate and harvest. 

But if you want the chewy, sweet flavor of figs, sultanas make a fantastic substitute! Sultanas, often called golden raisins or dried grapes, are considerably easier to get, far less expensive, and yet add a naturally sweet flavor to dishes. 

Similar to figs, sultanas are inexpensive and nutrient-dense, including fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. They are useful for baking, eating, and even for mixing into salads and porridge. 

They are an excellent replacement for figs since they add a comparable sweetness and texture to your recipes.

5. Plums


Plums, with their sweet, juicy flavor, are an ideal substitute for figs in many dishes. Whether you’re baking, making jam, or searching for a fresh snack, plums may provide the same rich sweetness with a subtle tartness. 

Plus, plums are less expensive and simpler to get year-round than figs. Plums are high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, making them not only delicious but also beneficial to digestion and the immune system. 

You may put them in salads, desserts, or even as a topping for yogurt or porridge. They’re adaptable, healthful, and a great substitute for figs when they’re not available.

6. Peaches


When you run out of figs but still want a sweet and juicy fruit, peaches are an excellent replacement. 

They have a similar soft texture and natural sweetness to figs, making them ideal for fig-based recipes such as desserts, salads, and smoothies. 

Furthermore, peaches are more readily available throughout the year and sometimes less expensive. Peaches are not only tasty, but they also provide several health advantages. 

They’re high in vitamins A and C, antioxidants, and fiber, which aids digestion and boosts the immune system. So, the next time you’re in the kitchen and out of figs, try peaches for a refreshing and delicious substitute!

Read also, 10 Best Substitute for Currants

7. Pears


Never allow the lack of figs prevent you from having a delicious and nutritious meal! Pears are a wonderful substitute for figs, providing a sweet, juicy flavor with a slightly gritty texture that compliments a wide range of dishes. 

Pears are high in fiber and vitamin C, which not only delight your taste senses but also benefit your digestion and immune system. 

Whether you’re baking, creating a salad, or preparing a cheese presentation, pears may easily replace figs. Their adaptability allows them to be utilized in both sweet and savory meals, bringing freshness and taste to whatever you’re cooking.

8. Fresh Cranberries

Fresh Cranberries

Have you ever considered using fresh cranberries instead of figs in your recipes? These small red berries aren’t only for Thanksgiving! 

They are high in antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber, making them a healthier alternative to figs. 

Furthermore, their inherent acidity lends a refreshing flavor to your recipes. Fresh cranberries go well in salads, baked foods, and sauces. 

They add a fresh taste that balances either sweet or savory dishes. So the next time you can’t locate figs or want to try something different, grab for cranberries to spice up your dishes!

9. Raisins


You may be shocked to hear that raisins make a great alternative to figs in your favorite dishes. While raisins offer a sweeter, more adaptable substitute that is frequently simpler to acquire and more reasonably priced, figs are prized for their distinct flavor and chewy texture. 

Raisins’ inherent sweetness and rich flavor can enhance any meal, be it a delectable snack, a fancy breakfast, or a decadent dessert. Raisins have several health advantages in addition to their wonderful flavor. 

They are a healthy option for increasing your energy levels because they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Raisins may be used in a variety of ways, including sprinkling them over salads, mixing them into oatmeal, and baking them into muffins and biscuits. 

Raisins, with their pleasant taste and nutritious benefits, are an excellent choice for anybody wishing to spice up their meals!

10. Strawberries


If you believe figs are the only fruit worth paying attention to, think again! Strawberries are not just a tasty summer treat; they can also be used to replace figs in a variety of dishes. 

Strawberries are high in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, so they may fulfill your sweet craving while giving various health advantages. These vivid berries are fewer in calories and sugar than figs, making them an excellent choice for anybody trying to live a healthier lifestyle. 

Strawberries may be substituted for figs in smoothies, desserts, and salads to add taste and color. They may flavor your morning yogurt, provide a refreshing touch to your salads, or make a delicious jam. 

Strawberries, with their luscious texture and sweet-tart taste, not only add flavor to your recipes, but also help to strengthen your immune system and heart health. So, why not try strawberries and explore all of their delightful possibilities?

11. Fig jam

 Fig jam

Do you enjoy the sweet, rich flavor of figs but can’t always get them fresh? Fig jam is an ideal replacement! This delightful spread preserves the essence of figs, transforming them into a versatile component that can be used in a number of cuisines. 

Whether you want to liven up your cheese plate, add a blast of flavor to your favorite sweets, or upgrade your breakfast toast, fig jam has you covered. Fig jam is not only tasty, but it also has some amazing health advantages. 

Figs are high in fiber, antioxidants, and important vitamins, and while the jam has additional sugar, it preserves many of the nutritional benefits of fresh figs. Plus, It’s simple to use—spread it on pancakes, mix it with yogurt, or use it to stuff pastries. With fig jam in your cupboard, you may enjoy the flavor of figs anytime, anywhere!

12. Quinces


Quinces, like many other fruits, are sometimes disregarded, yet they are high in taste and have several health advantages. While figs are recognized for their sweet flavor and chewy texture, quinces have a distinct acidity that may enhance both sweet and savory recipes. 

These golden-yellow fruits are high in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, making them a great replacement for figs in a variety of dishes, including desserts and salads. Using quinces instead of figs may offer a new flavor to your favorite dishes. 

They may be poached, roasted, or used in jams and jellies, making them a tasty option that improves the flavor of any cuisine. Furthermore, their high fiber content aids digestive health and keeps you satisfied for longer. 

So, if you’re seeking to mix things up in the kitchen, consider quinces as a great fig replacement!

Final Thoughts

Finally, choosing a fig substitution might be a fun opportunity to try out various flavors and textures in your dishes. Whether you use dates for natural sweetness, prunes for a deep taste, or apricots for a fruity touch, each option adds something distinct to the dish. Just remember to modify the amount depending on the desired sweetness and texture. Substituting figs does not have to be difficult; you may still achieve wonderful results using whatever you have on hand. So don’t worry, be creative, and enjoy the process!

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