10 Best Substitute For Persimmons

Best Substitute For Persimmons
Best Substitute For Persimmons

Persimmons are a delicious fruit that many people enjoy, especially during the fall and winter months. They have a sweet, honey-like flavor with a hint of spiciness, and their bright orange color makes them stand out among other fruits. Whether you are baking, making a salad, or simply want a refreshing snack, persimmons can be a perfect choice.

However, there are times when you may not have persimmons on hand, or they may not be in season, making it challenging to include them in your recipes. Luckily, there are several substitutes that can help you get a similar flavor and texture.

In this blog post, we will explore ten different substitutes for persimmons that can work well in various dishes. These substitutes can help you get that familiar sweetness and consistency, even if you can’t find persimmons at your local store.

10 Best Substitute For Persimmons

1. Mangoes


Mangoes are one of the best substitutes for persimmons because they have a similar sweet flavor. They are juicy and full of flavor, with a texture that is soft yet slightly fibrous, just like ripe persimmons. The natural sweetness of mangoes works well in desserts, salads, and even smoothies. Mangoes are available in most grocery stores all year round, which makes them a convenient choice.

When using mangoes as a substitute, be sure to choose a ripe one. Unripe mangoes can be sour, and they won’t provide the same sweet and rich taste that you are looking for. You can cut them into slices or dice them and use them in fruit salads or as a topping for yogurt and ice cream. In baked goods, mangoes can replace persimmons to add that natural sweetness and moisture. Their bright orange color will also keep your dish looking vibrant, much like persimmons.

2. Apricots


Apricots are another great substitute for persimmons. They have a sweet, slightly tangy flavor that can work well in many recipes where you would typically use persimmons. The texture of apricots is smooth and juicy, which is similar to the flesh of a ripe persimmon. Fresh apricots can be used in fruit salads, and they make a great addition to baked goods like cakes and muffins.

If fresh apricots are not available, you can also use dried apricots. Simply soak them in warm water for about 15 minutes to soften them up before using them in your recipe. This will help bring out their sweetness and make them more similar to the texture of persimmons. Apricots work especially well in jams and sauces, where their sweetness and smooth texture can shine.

3. Peaches


Peaches have a soft, juicy texture and a sweet taste that makes them an excellent alternative to persimmons. They are very versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes, from desserts to salads. The sweet and slightly floral flavor of peaches is similar to that of persimmons, making them a great substitute when you need a fruit that can provide the same level of sweetness.

To use peaches as a substitute, peel and slice them, and then add them to your dish. They can be used fresh, canned, or even frozen, depending on what you have available. In pies and cobblers, peaches can provide the same sweetness and moisture as persimmons, while in salads, they add a refreshing burst of flavor. Peaches are also great for making sauces and jams, as they have a naturally soft texture when cooked.

4. Plums


Plums are a wonderful substitute for persimmons because they have a sweet and slightly tart flavor that can complement many dishes. The texture of plums is smooth, and their juicy flesh makes them a good choice when you need something similar to a persimmon. Plums can be used in both sweet and savory dishes, and they add a nice depth of flavor.

To use plums as a substitute, make sure they are ripe. Ripe plums are juicy and sweet, while unripe plums can be quite tart. You can slice plums and use them in fruit salads, or bake them into pies and tarts. Plums are also great for making sauces or chutneys, where their natural sweetness can balance out other flavors. If you need a substitute for dried persimmons, dried plums (or prunes) can work well too, providing a similar texture and sweetness.

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5. Fuyu Persimmons

Fuyu Persimmons

If your recipe calls for a specific type of persimmon that you can’t find, such as the Hachiya persimmon, you can use Fuyu persimmons as a substitute. Fuyu persimmons are less astringent and can be eaten when they are still firm, unlike Hachiya persimmons, which need to be very soft before they are eaten. Fuyu persimmons have a crisp texture and a sweet flavor, which makes them versatile and easy to use in many dishes.

You can slice Fuyu persimmons and add them to salads, use them as a topping for oatmeal or yogurt, or bake them into pies and cakes. The flavor is similar to other types of persimmons, so they make a great substitute when you need that sweet, honey-like taste. Fuyu persimmons are also good for snacking, as they can be eaten out of hand, much like an apple.

6. Nectarines


Nectarines are another great substitute for persimmons. They are similar to peaches but have a slightly firmer texture and a smooth skin. The sweetness of nectarines, combined with their juicy flesh, makes them an excellent choice when you need a substitute for persimmons. They can be used in both sweet and savory dishes, adding a refreshing flavor.

To use nectarines, simply slice them and add them to your recipe. They work well in fruit salads, baked goods, and even grilled as a side dish. Nectarines can also be used to make sauces or jams, where their sweetness will provide a nice balance to other flavors. If you need a substitute for dried persimmons, dried nectarines can be used as well, though they will be slightly less chewy.

7. Apples

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Apples are a common fruit that can be used as a substitute for persimmons, especially if you are looking for something with a bit of crunch. While apples are not as soft as persimmons, they do have a sweet flavor that can work well in many dishes. Apples come in many varieties, and choosing a sweet one, such as Fuji or Gala, will help you get closer to the flavor of persimmons.

To use apples as a substitute, you can slice or dice them, depending on your recipe. They work well in salads, where their crunch can add a nice texture contrast. In baked goods, apples can provide moisture and sweetness, much like persimmons. You can also cook apples down to make a sauce or compote, which can be used as a topping for pancakes, waffles, or ice cream.

8. Pears


Pears are another great substitute for persimmons. They have a soft, juicy texture when ripe, and their sweet flavor is similar to that of persimmons. Pears can be used in a variety of dishes, from desserts to salads, and they add a nice sweetness and texture to whatever you are making.

To use pears as a substitute, choose a ripe pear, as unripe pears can be a bit firm and not as sweet. Slice or dice the pear and add it to your dish. Pears work well in baked goods, where they provide moisture and sweetness, and they can also be used in fruit salads or as a topping for yogurt. In savory dishes, pears can add a nice sweetness that balances out other flavors, making them a versatile substitute.

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9. Bananas


Bananas can be used as a substitute for persimmons, especially in recipes where you need a soft, creamy texture. Bananas are naturally sweet, and their soft texture makes them a good choice for baked goods, smoothies, and even puddings. While the flavor of bananas is not exactly the same as persimmons, their sweetness can still work well in many dishes.

To use bananas as a substitute, make sure they are ripe, as unripe bananas can be starchy and not as sweet. Mash the banana and use it in recipes like muffins, cakes, or pancakes. Bananas can also be sliced and added to fruit salads or used as a topping for cereal and oatmeal. In smoothies, bananas can add creaminess and sweetness, making them a good substitute for persimmons.

10. Kiwifruit


Kiwifruit, or kiwi, can be used as a substitute for persimmons, especially if you want to add a bit of tang to your dish. Kiwis have a unique flavor that is both sweet and slightly tart, and their bright green color adds a pop of color to any recipe. While the texture of kiwifruit is a bit different from persimmons, their flavor can work well in many dishes.

To use kiwifruit as a substitute, peel and slice the kiwi, and add it to your dish. Kiwi works well in fruit salads, where its tartness can balance out the sweetness of other fruits. It can also be used as a topping for yogurt or ice cream, or blended into smoothies. If you are making a dessert, such as a tart or a pie, kiwi can add a nice contrast to the other flavors in the dish.


Persimmons are a wonderful fruit, but they can be hard to find at times, or you may simply need a substitute that is more readily available. The ten substitutes we have discussed in this blog post—mangoes, apricots, peaches, plums, Fuyu persimmons, nectarines, apples, pears, bananas, and kiwifruit—are all great options that can help you achieve a similar flavor, texture, and sweetness in your recipes. Each of these substitutes brings its own unique qualities, allowing you to adapt your dishes depending on what you have available.

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